Today's Sports Post - ¿West Coast Bias?
I never thought I would see this, but apparently there's someone in the world who thinks ESPN is actually biased AGAINST the Northeast. To that I say, whoa. I quit watching non-"event" ESPN about two years ago in favor of Yahoo! Sports and Sporting News. If only a few teams existed in sports, I get the feeling it would be OK with ESPN. Those teams are the New York Yankees, Mets, Giants, and Knicks, the Boston Celtics and Red Sox, the New England Patriots, the Philadelphia Eagles, and Duke University basketball. You could fill 24 hours per day with coverage of just those teams, right?
The arguments in favor of this coverage make no sense. "They're the most popular teams." Maybe in number, I guess? the Yankees and Red Sox are probably the two most hated baseball teams as well. The games are on local TV in New York and Boston. That's enough. We do not need to have all 38 or however many games between the two teams shown nationally. And that's when they play each other. I cannot count how many times ESPN has shown a riveting Red Sox-Devil Rays or Yankees-Orioles matchup on a Monday or Thursday when there are other, BETTER, games on the schedule.
"Well, ESPN is based near New York, so it's easier for them to get there." Then maybe ESPN should be a regional network. Don't call yourself the Worldwide Leader if you're going to show 3 hours of poker every night and get the Giants on Monday Night Football 7 times a season.
I think that's enough of a rant on that topic.
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