Friday, August 10, 2007

No Sympathy, Just Laughs

The title references this story, which ended up on Drudge this morning and is one of the funniset things I've read in the real, legit news in a long time. This is about one quote away from an Onion story. I'm not sure what I'd do if Mrs. Original and I were "having troubles," but I probably wouldn't live in the Saturn with an extension cord connected to the house.

I don't usually do much with "news of the weird," but this one was fantastic. La Donna Graham? "Trying my best to get a job and get up out of this rut?" Listening to Rush Limbaugh every day? 89 Century? This story is like a Mad Lib. I wish I lived there.

Globe/T. Rob Brown The Waring family poses in its back yard at 612 S. Olive St. in Pittsburg as Steven Graham stands near his car on the adjoining property. The Warings are among the neighbors who have signed a petition urging the City Commission to adopt a resolution that would prohibit people from living in their cars on private property.

The "domicile" of Steve Graham as seen from the Warings' yard Tuesday evening, Aug. 7, 2007, in Pittsburg, Kan.
None / T. Rob Brown / The Joplin Globe

Unfortunately, there's no video anywhere online. This saddens me. He looks a little like Sasquatch in the first picture.


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