No Sympathy, Just Laughs
The title references this story, which ended up on Drudge this morning and is one of the funniset things I've read in the real, legit news in a long time. This is about one quote away from an Onion story. I'm not sure what I'd do if Mrs. Original and I were "having troubles," but I probably wouldn't live in the Saturn with an extension cord connected to the house.
I don't usually do much with "news of the weird," but this one was fantastic. La Donna Graham? "Trying my best to get a job and get up out of this rut?" Listening to Rush Limbaugh every day? 89 Century? This story is like a Mad Lib. I wish I lived there.
None / T. Rob Brown / The Joplin Globe
Unfortunately, there's no video anywhere online. This saddens me. He looks a little like Sasquatch in the first picture.
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