Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some thoughts on celebrity

Jack Nicholson was at the Dodgers-Yankees game tonight. In a Yankees hat. And this brought up all kinds of issues for me. First, he's allegedly a Lakers fan. Much as I've wondered if Bill Clinton has any idea what's happening in any of the World Cup matches he's attended, does Jack Nicholson know what's happening in any basketball game? Does he know he's attending a basketball game at all? OK, I guess that's about my only issue with this. But still.

I'm tired of all these Yankees hats. Jack. LeBron. Pretty much anyone else who lives more than 20 miles from New York. They're unnecessary. I don't hate the Yankees anymore - I'm back to just dismissing them as an annoying East Coast team that just sort of exists.

Detroit gives you real fans out of its celebs. Kid Rock sang America the Beautiful during the 2005 NBA finals. In a Rick Mahorn warmup. Bob Seger sang America the Beautiful during the 2006 World Series.

Chicago's about the same. Eddie Vedder wrote an entire Cubs song, for God's sake. Then there's the infamous Jeremy Piven moment in 2006 - on Father's Day, as hundreds of thousands of old people across the upper Midwest had just finished their second Miller Lites...

Yes, these are reasons why sports in the Em-Dub are better than those on the coasts. Real celeb passion. Catch the fever. Go ahead. Catch it.

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