Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Ah, yes. May Day. The day when my ancestors danced around that Maypole in the town square. I just became aware now in looking for that link that May Day is a big socialist party now in Germany and Scandinavia. How sweet is that? The immigrant community is having marches here today, I think. But I'm not sure. I am very torn about this. The immigration fascination that swept the country in 2005 and 2006 seems to be dying out. It might be a good idea for people to just stay home today and quit drawing attention to themselves. But the very nature of a demonstration does not lend itself to chillin.'

To abruptly change the topic, I stayed up again to watch the Wings lose. Times are not good for them. If Holmstrom can come back and be close to 100 percent, things may change. Nobody's going after rebounds. Not that Nabokov leaves a lot of them, but come on, guys. Crash the net. Hasek needs 3 goals to win. Please shoot for that total. That said, what is Hasek's problem? He's a whole 3 years younger than my dad (though I will concede he is in FAR better shape), so maybe he shouldn't be flopping around like that. This team is lucky last night wasn't embarrassing. Could have been 4 or 5 to 1.

My Wings rant for the day is about the goalie position. I'm concerned about the Wings's apparent inability to develop a goalie. Osgood is really it for the last 15-20 years. Legace is OK, but he's 34 and the Wings didn't really develop him. Other than Osgood, who's the best product who spent their formative years in Detroit? Tim Cheveldae? Yeah, I went there. And I might be right. I was looking at their draft history yesterday on hockeydb.com and they just don't take goalies. Even UM or MSU products. Or Lake Superior State products. Take a local guy every now and then, please. Steve Shields could have been a huge star in Detroit. Or Marty Turco. For all the position players they develop well, you'd think a goalie would slip through now and then. But it hasn't happened since Osgood, and people ran him out of town once already.

I'm disappointed in my lack of serious posts lately. Maybe one will follow this... or maybe not. You just never know.


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